Wednesday, February 27, 2008

_ "reason, reason, we its part of D art"

Like D considerably majority of American in 1983, I do not have idea Spandau ballet to exist before applicable, many less its funky again Romantics embracing Disco and way, have pave D way for club movement a thought it straight in D UK.I to be entirely underground sappy arising crooners.Now, keep contemporary to me wrongly _ thank too my coworker at Wendy's (he, I its 15), nail without head, I soon die and do not become very largely a Spandau fan - as soon as you received behind "applicable" D song, D remainder from D album its prettily verflixt well, determined "communication" and "code of love". _ as soon as nail without head me around that its if it burn through my understanding and leaves to borrow D volume only two album, journey to me to fame and _ speaks diamond a difference into style.Where applicable its calculated for Mainstream diagram success, D only two Spandau long playing record its all about D club and I lucky jump on board to cut immediate affectionately D groove of "long history briefly" and "D freeze" and cuts album like "improvement", what have D turn equal white boy/fake radio sensitivity as D humanly league to dare there _ although it to be tried to have funky, something its small always away and that something its which to form they singularly already still danceable. _ I also recall roles stone infamously in star report of journey, savaging it like way over music _ not you have a Mick Jagger alone album to give somewhere five star, Jann?While D volume try halfheartedly try (I think) a Ballade on their secondly album diamond, D majority of D serving plate its again fill with dancefloor stompers, in particular, "sing NR. 1"and" Instinction ", here in its 12"Version. _ it will originally see to release individually again to mix by none differently than Trevor horn, also a Russell Mulcahy screen too match:Somewhere late along D way, Spandau lose all D homosexual Unterton ("durable its D leather that its belts too my skin... work ' to you its musclebound"... "Loving form D cream taste nicely...", for etc..) _ and go from Pirat shirt wearing again Romantics:... too politely, shirt

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Funky Friday - Kung enormous fear Kapow

If were you around (read - growing up) in the Siebzigern, remember you high flying, the knoechel, the Kung Fu, carats blow up and martial art explosion in the Nachmahd of the Bruce protection and ' come the kites '. bowls you breaking, chopping pictures of the beginning was everywhere - from the carat girls ' in the man with the golden rifle ', in the ' Kung Fu ' television set row, Wundercomicsbuchstaben like ' iron fist ' and ' in the carat kid ' in the drying centrifuge and in the splinters Kung Fu to the Chipsletten and to pyjamas, like ' Shang the Chi masters of Kung Fu.' styled are. Thus it is the at the beginning of the Chinese new yearly why not bars inside to some festivenesses of this funky Buffet, straight of socky the Siebzigern of the blow. If you are still for more head more rueber to Fu Fu Stu hungry, where red hot soul sizzlers and mixtures are always on the menu.'Enter Drache ', TrailerJim protection followed up its, ' role you entered kites ' with the head, cracking ' black belt Jones ' black enormous fear introFleamarket belt Jones a Superduper Dennis Coffey revision ' of the topic to come leave kites ' for Download and Lalo Schifrins original notch are A widescreen more winner.Enter the Dragon.mp3Finally early proto a sour jazz rail of 1974 this Snapshots the Bruce Lee/Jim protection period as perfectly as a Polaroid,100% pure poison - windy C.

Check this site: download mp3 (

Monday, February 18, 2008

Taste... It knows all Rainbow?

We now that this week with is LU 42 gets! Epi weapons, new Avataras, new material made in manual work (gamers like material), including mannequins and... soon is it Erollisi day! Regard your eyes opened as a Erollisi daily competition here by the Winwin situation... Is here a small history, which I cooked above for whole you in the celebration of the cases of this monthly. TASTE... RAINBOW? A completely special Winwin situation by Winwin. Duh. the "following mark, leave please this animal at home, princess" halfling an addressed Winwin, as it stepped away from the boat on Qeynos port. A giant clearing rhinocerous in the bright rosafarbenen armament followed it near. They went toward to the Tavern, which directs little attention on the dissatisfied halfings. It was one day of the celebration for, after thousands years, more of the Pantheons had decreased/gone back for the physical realm of the Norrath."I of miracle, as they will celebrate. Oooh, hear you that, asked Mr. Tumpykins, "the rosafarbenen the fae Rhino, while them went it to a pool drinkable of the water. "you remain, I here will a beverage received," them approached that to door....A. annoyed few cloudTells the whales one taleAbout terrible weatherAnd white whale... the odd lyric poetry, which is caused to pausieren Winwin, over during one moment, how them entered the Tavern. It leaned its head to a side, since the song continued....The return of KaranaTurning NorrathInto saunaWon't, you the while?... "Jes tighten ' set much thought inta it remain," a familiar voice, were said of close convenient table, "them ne'er marks direction." It was not differently than brace, that far away admitted dwarven map draughtsmen. "come, you sit ESPRIT we! I do not hurt ye, "brace made its beard with a Glucksen smooth, before I take a sip of their tank pool of broadcasting corporations. A statuesque, female more darkly eleven in the silver armament up the drunk dwarf."Thank quality the fact that song made more rueber its," Winwin propping, from their bright rosafarbenen dress smoothly and took a seat at the table. "Kiara? That is you, "Winwin, which is regarded above dark eleven,", like you from my Freeport?""Oh man received here, it was as much fun, Winwin, "Kiara kicherte, as brace fell to the floor with a Thud. "I was bored, therefore killed I unite Piraten," dark eleven the radiated on, while she took it seat."You killed Piraten," Winwin raised one brew, "and it was fun?""Oh, you white not!? Today's day is as much different! If you regard this, "Kiara handed over Winwin with a large smile."I a reddish paper strip can not this even read, what it is, "Winwin, which is regarded the paper blankly."It's a love note, "Kiara, smiled. "each particular of them was like a fortune Plaetzchen of the love! Look, there you are even Lotteriezahlen on the back, "it laughed, as Winwin dropped the note in the disgust. "what? They ate sweet within it also! It is nearly Erollisi, "the voice Kiaras, which is away dragged, like a new song of everyone....The boys starting LED and girl is comingTo sticks on more villageBlister, cooks and pluendern... troubador had to the sealing compound runningBertoxxulous is decreased/gone back, violently it to play and at the top side of its lungs cry. It threw its hair around wildly and struck their head, while it continued. Beverages collided to the floor, during some sponsors for the door ran and others along red behaarten Barden in the impact anstarrten. Within the seconds the chaos had given way to squirrels and apes to one barfight....The small rotwild and bunniesNow to smell it bischen funkyThey're an everything oozy and chunkyExploding... Kiara closed lucky hand mixtures as Winwin shot under the table and hid themselves within their own wings."Brasse on! I receive it better away from the floor, "Winwin opened it for wing to the range for the dwarf and pull her for security. "where it is, slammed" Winwin out by below the table in one panic."Noooooooo! I am, "brace was sober on a table, a large lump of bread in its hand. "Calthine, more yer goin ' down," cried it, while she discharged bread toward to troubador. The lump of bread did not terminate fast the song and transferred Calthine unconscious."A understands it straight us, Calthine. They are thus before your time, "chubby a blue emo arasai, which with its sight inhibierenden bangs one geschmollt and is played. A piece bread to the head calmed it down as well."Oi've avowed ye," brace went more rueber to the body Calthines and took the sealing compound. "Ye became nae like the sober meh," broked it the sealing compound on their knee and approached to the bar mixer for another drink."I miracles, if she has sweet inside there also," Kiara approached the Barden with Winwin."And people says that I am a mood with my rosafarbenen Obsession," Winwin squirted water on the face Calthines and wake up her."Where? What? Who? OH -! I kept again, huh away-created? OH -, my head, "Calthine aechzte, while it sat above. "Aw, brace, he was my largest fan," said her, there her to her feet slowly rose and pointed to the blue arasai. "it is dead?""Oh, well then," Kiara dragged the body arasais into the following room."He is soon enough," brace, which is said as the bar mixers, handed over to her another ale."A, which disturbs mild day," Winwin, which is loud thought, how Kiara decreased/went back fast to the staff with another letter. "you that very disturbing.""These sweets are not almost bad, form" for Kiara slammed a sweet into their opening, as Calthine, brace and Winwin along them anstarrten. ", not, right?""That are total grody, Kiara do not wish waste. I mean, like you know, "Winwin briefly choked, how a clay/tone of the exterior interrupted its course of the thought. "Nevermind," Winwin and their three friends moved slowly toward to opened window.Outside, a very large line of the adventurers had myself in an educated manner properly on the dock. A man in shining colored armament went slowly down the line and connected for the adventurers one after the other one the eyes. Its teeth sparkled nearly as much as its armament in sun."Okay, peoples. CASE would like to welcome all you new adventurers to Qeynos, "the man went back down the line toward to its Zuenft, a group evenly decorated adventurer. "finally who better, to it than welcoming we, the Prime Minister dungeon robbers. We took it after us, around a giant, lively pinata to design straight for you chaps, "those the eyes connected adventurer, who in the excitement are jubilant. "now, you leave those eye bandages to firm," went it thrash back the line and the handed over sticks to everyone the adventurer slowly. "my Druiden opens now a portal to Antonica and we escorts you to our secret point of party," it smiled too as some Druiden opened portals at the same time. The man and its guildies continued leading the adventurers by portals."POD? Prime Minister, who attacks Zuenft? How a case of the whales? For which it stands, "Winwin asked over for others."Tha the Pinnacle of the destruction, "brace laughed loudly."I has a song over robber, "Calthine, shot struck inside fast, before Kiara covered it mouth."I'm, that, which can be done, examine from the party "Winwin from the door to its Rhino. After the last adventurer had entered the portal, it waited some seconds and rode Mr. Tumpykins by the portal and in the Druidering in Antonica. Brace, Calthine and Kiara followed soon and connected Winwin when ducking behind shrubs. They watched out, there the large group of the adventurers line down an expansion of the country, in which an enormous old man, surveying chaps know the sea, ", which you it was that you are much higher than I, quite? They can see you supposed, "said Winwin, as them looked above. Their three friends towered, over which shrubs however ducked still, as if hidden."Oi'll is. Pinata nae Thas. Karana Thas, "brace laughed and took a sip of their ale."Oh, this will be good, "Kiara jumped above and ran toward to the adventurers and guaranteed to the notice in a safety margin. Calthine and brace followed Kiara near, while Winwin formed slowly its way toward to them. As if it closed it inside on them, could that the enormous old man a physical expression of Karana."Are you recognize the chaps, which was is ready for any sweet" the leader of the CASE kreischte a question to the adventurers and started the enormous old man to turn with a konfusen view on its face around. "Barden, begin the music in five, four, three, two, one," counted the man in the shining armament loud and the music started."Talk over new one," Calthine, which was said to that as the mass the eyes connected adventurers, began, to strike on knoecheln Karanas with sticks. A rainbow formed in the sky, while Karana summoned a lightning screw bolt together, zapping a close convenient of gnomes. The bad new of gnomes exploded into the points and covered sufficient distance, that its hand landed before Winwin."Calthine. You are thinking which I think to be "Kiara waived the hand and pull which geschauen, in order a piece of the sweet it."Pot out cake out "Calthine and Kiara in the agreement kicherten, waiting period. I do not think, the sweet am, Kiara, "Calthine, which was said as Kiara, threw the hand and which before thought her, in order to be sweet behind the her.The poor new ones, which was continued, around grisly fates to meet one after the other one sweet, letter and internal organs air filled there. The four friends were also disgusted either also in the Awe, or, in order to do everything over it."Look on tha bright side," brace, which was said as bone, fell of the sky and of success Winwin in the head and threw them to soil. "at least it is the nae tribunal or the Bertoxxulous. Now there disgustingly you are, "Brasses normally strong accent seemed fade a point, while them watched out the sky rain sweet and miscellany."Ow! Was that a thigh leg!? E Winwin quietschte, during it support stood and held the bad bones in its hand. A high, robed dark eleven with the blazing eyes, which were increased from the rear Winwin."You, which goes to rez, that," the dark eleven asked, how it seized the bone easily from the little rosafarbenen hand that faes. "this is like frost skin again," it kicherte, as it away from the four ladies went and drags a bag behind it. Winwin leaned its head to the side and stared away into the following massacre, while the dark eleven away concerned, hypnotized by the strange things, which can happen in the magic country of Norrath.

Good site to review: downloadable mp3 (

The letter oereal"its an internal job by Roxanne Henke

Roxanne Henke�s, first novel, after Anne, was preselected as�s favourite book of 2002. Their following five books (Ruth, werdenes Olivia, always January, with love, Libby and the secret of us find) have Picks� for romantic time magazine on a best-seller list geerschienen, been �Top and given a Retailer�s auserlesenen price. Their newest release is called and learned to fly Roxanne was called Writer of the yearly at 2003 milli torr. Hermon conference of author in California and served conference of author in new Mexico on the ability of the Glorieta. Additionally to the letter Roxy speaks also and informs at the conferences and with the cases over the nation on the topics of the friendship, the lowest point and obtains goals and the letter. It writes from its house into agricultural North Dakota, in which it lives with its married man and a annoying-friendly dog. It has two, young adults and two wonderful Sons in law. They can find Roxy on the net my job, how an author can look simply. Everything, which I must do, in order to receive, in order to work, is to go some steps into my office, sit at my computer and switch it on. Set a bowl coffee by my elbow and I�m good ton go.Unfortunately, while letter on the surface looks simple, a whole new world manufacturing are hard. Frequently (only somewhat jokingly) legends I that letter is like its �god� your own universe. It�s my job to manufacture the world inserted people into it and gives it, which writes somewhat like I�m look too do.It can, the straight on my computer sits and, or back sitting and thinking, but which really climbs and notes tuendes I�m within the skin of my letters, what they and feeling.If the you�ve think, which at all on one purchase-stroll one goes and part of a daily dresses trying on shirts and dips to have spent, and knows skirts, you�ll on that sliding in and from clothes exhausts even hours long a pair. Present then, within the understanding and the bodies some different letters to step itself everyone day?In to each possible given day, I the world to regard could by the eyes ueberladenen, from middle age of man. I could be the owner one caf� or a small city gas station. I could have cancer or go through a strict lowest point. I could be a harddrinking player or rebellious a young person. It�s all part of my job of the Seins an author. And this marks is it my job, mean readers, to exactly see (and feeling) to help which my letters going through.Believe I are, there no simple way to do. But I�m, which goes, with you was learned techniques I�ve to divide a pair, around my characters.When completely to develop was I, a young girl, who I was frequently fascinated, when I watched out the people. I could see an old man to think for eating in one caf� and in a I�d alone �Is it lonely? Does it have a woman? it exceeds straight away and is that why he�s through himself?� and then I�d discovery with tears in my eyes and in a heavy heart, because it believed, how I was he. And that�s, which I do with my letters. I write it into a scene and then regard I to area the they�re inside from their head�and within its skin out. Is it hot or cold? Is there somebody else in the area? And if it gives, how �I� feeling over it or it? I do not regard the scene of �my� the eyes to no more; I regard the scene through mean character�s lens.If my letter happen to be overloaded I must describe, to have what believes it as, in order waistband its trousers, which cut into its belly. I could pull on my own waistband, in order to believe that pull�and then I note, how that believes physically and emotional. If my letter is confused, I can believe my own brows to curve in empathy. I hold a mirror on my desk, so that I can see reflection. That does not overwrite appearance as, to I�m, what my brows, I�m, which anstarrt and notes into the glass, what my letter sees and believes. Why is, it confused and which does this feeling, to which her?What marks likes, which are a reader with a letter mark, if the author knocks into feelings, which are familiar to the reader. Now, when readers can have been, you a cold weather never, blooded killer�but, possibly, which you felt, which it�s to be towards-hit a corner to have been liked or by a friend betrayed. If those familiar feelings keep knocked, the reader can be, with (of all people empathizing!) that created. Feelings add depth letter. Person.I Women�s invention write feeling revolution a linear letter into a various, therefore I must don�t a cold-blooded murderer too frequent make themselves (to thank them quality!) Which can more difficult�I over really feelings and feelings write let my task, which are familiar everyone to most. I need receive quite on everyone page.In my present release (learning to the Fly�Harvest house), which I climb into the skin of two young mothers, who have very different ideas over the Parenting. To recall it�s, the many years were since I�ve were a young Mamma were however, by paging by my daughters� baby books, I able, which those busy, sleepless, feeling-filled years as believed. And, while the book got ahead, I wrote daughter also from the point of opinion of A teenaged. We�ve of everything, which is there. My job is to get my letters the side and to let �real� in mine readers� minds.The way be do, which is to knock into its inside. Describe, how a letter only serves �looks, � to give to a reader a flat illustration the person. Describe exactly, how a letter �feels� is, which makes this letter heavy person, who remains long in the understanding of a reader, after she turns the last side.

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